iJET 400

High Pressure CNC Waterjet Deburring & cleaning machine for high volume production and small to medium part sizes

Pristing Cleanliness 100% of the time

In today’s manufacturing environment, component cleanliness plays a critical role in the success of any program. Component cleanliness requirements are not only classified by particle weight but also limit particle count and particle size. Only high pressure waterjet cleaning & deburring is capable of meeting the evermore stringent clean requirements demanded by automotive manufacturers.

The Bertsche iJET series of machines combine the intelligence of CNC and the power of high pressure water to precisely direct high pressure water jet to critical areas of your part removing feather edge burrs while cleaning by washing to achieve pristine cleanliness 100% of the time.

The iJET is a high performance CNC machine tool that uses the
latest control technology to precisely target critical features for
deburring and high pressure water washing 100% of the part at 10,000 PSI at high speeds with custom designed station tooling.

Achieving high volume with short takt times while meeting ultra clean
specifications requires a high performance CNC machine tool that uses the latest control technology to precisely target critical features using high pressures of up to 10,000 PSI, at high speeds with custom
designed high pressure station tooling.

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